– Jim Collins
– Jim Collins
Executive Assessment
An Assessment, sometimes called an Evaluation, Appraisal or Due Diligence, is used by Boards and CEOs to understand the individual and collective strength of an existing leadership team. We work with Boards, CEOs and HR Directors as appropriate, to build on their existing executive assessment and development programmes by providing an external market perspective on key individuals, succession plans as well as overall team competencies and dynamics.
Imagine that you are about to promote an executive, make changes to your management team, re-organise the company, or be a part of a merger/acquisition. The question then becomes: how do you ensure the company’s executives will be successful in their new roles and positions?
We assist you in answering this question by evaluating each executive’s performance level and likely future potential through the use of an in-depth interview, psychometric tests and a discussion with internal and external referees. This will provide a solid indication of a candidate’s performance track record, leadership style, potential dark-side personality traits and the specific strategic challenges the executive is best suited to address.
We describe both the strengths and development needs of each candidate. If need be, this can feed into concrete personal development plans and possible future career moves. Furthermore, this method can shed light on what management and responsibility level executives will be comfortable performing at, in light of your organization’s future operational and strategic set-up. The methodology can also be used in a succession planning context to benchmark executives against alternative internal and external candidates.