– Jim Collins
– Jim Collins
Executive Search
We focus on strategically important roles, and in particular, on finding Board Members, CEOs, C-Suite Executives and Direct Reports, and bringing them to the top team. We identify, evaluate and recruit high performing candidates into leadership and specialist roles.
Imagine that you need a new executive for a mission-critical role in your organisation and your company simultaneously experiences important business opportunities and challenges. In this situation you may be considering what characteristics best define such an executive and how to avoid hiring the wrong candidate.
We assist you in determining the answers to these questions through a well-structured search process. The process starts by gaining an understanding of your organisation’s overall strategic priorities, the specific leadership roles and capabilities needed to achieve these goals, as well as the current culture of the organisation.
Focusing on these underlying issues allows us to apply a broad, yet targeted approach in identifying and attracting high calibre candidates. Some of the candidates may well be coming from adjacent industries. This is particularly relevant as traditional industry sector boundaries are changing, implying that new industries and business models are emerging.
The process, as well as our experience and input, will provide you with a solid basis for deciding on who the right executive candidate is for your leadership team and organisation.